Florida State Statute 316.006,(3)(b) enables private residential Communities to enter into an agreement with St. Johns County to provide for the enforcement of all traffic laws on the private roads within a Development. A standard Agreement can be found on the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office website.

The execution of an Agreement for Enforcement of the Traffic Laws of the State (hereinafter Agreement) does not provide for Sheriff Deputies to be situated within a Development. Instead, it will allow deputies, on routine patrol, the ability to enforce traffic laws when patrolling through the Development during normal patrol hours.

If a Community wishes to have deputies stationed within their Development for Traffic Enforcement or security reasons, arrangements can be made to hire off-duty deputies. The hiring of off-duty deputies is NOT a requirement in obtaining an Agreement.

The steps for obtaining an Agreement are as follows:

1) Obtain a certified traffic survey by a licensed traffic consultant or engineering firm.
2) The original Agreement that has been prepared and signed by the signatory, along with all Exhibit’s, should be mailed to:

St. Johns County Public Works Traffic and Transportation
2750 Industry Center Road
St. Augustine, Florida 32084

Upon receipt, the St. Johns County Public Works Traffic and Transportation Division will approve, deny or require additional information. Once approved the agreement will be forward to the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office (SJSO), for enforcement.

The entire process can take several months to complete. If there are any questions, please contact St. Johns County Public Works Traffic and Transportation at 904.209.0170.


The applicant should contact the Records Management Officer at 904.209.0706 and request the as-built subdivision file from the official records. The original plans for the subdivision may not have signing and marking plan. If a signing and marking plan does not exist, a provision to establish a plan will need to be included in the engineering scope of services.


A Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida shall provide engineering services. The applicant should seek professional services of an engineering firm that has expertise in Traffic Engineering. The engineering firm that designed the subdivision may have expertise in this field. If not, the Traffic Operations Section will provide the applicant with a list of consulting firms known to have experience in Traffic Engineering. Fees for professional services and expenses associated with the requirements of the agreement will be the responsibility of the applicant.


The Engineering Study will consist of a Traffic Study Outline, Traffic Study Report, and Certified Signing Plan. The Traffic Study Outline will contain the proposed study methods and standards to be employed by the consultant, and shall reference applicable sections of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Approval of the study outline by Traffic Operations must be obtained prior to proceeding with field investigations.

Speed Limits must be established in accordance with Chapter 316 of the Florida Statutes. The methodology for establishing speed limits can be found in the Manual of Speed Zoning for Highways, Roads and Streets in Florida, published by the Florida Department of Transportation. Study methods for establishing speed limits will also be including in the Traffic Study Outline.


Certain streets may be designated for golf cart use after a determination is made by your engineer, and confirmed by the County Traffic Operations that golf carts may safely travel on or cross the public road or street, considering factors including speed, volume and character of motor vehicle traffic using the road or street. With the exception of speed limits, the study procedures for golf cart use will follow the engineering study requirements, Engineering Services, and Engineering Study.


The SJSO in conjunction with the St. Johns County Traffic Engineering Department is reviewing all current Traffic Enforcement Agreements.  If you have any questions about Traffic Enforcement Agreements, please contact Captain Robert “Bobby” Dean at [email protected].